Powerful Propulsion Systems for Tugboats

Tugs or tugboats are vessels with powerful propulsion systems used for towing and pushing other vessels or large buoyant objects. Long operating times, high load requirements and the greatest possible maneuverability are characteristic demands placed on this type of vessel. Since tugs by their very nature perform their work almost constantly near the coast and thus in areas subject to increasingly stringent environmental regulations, the need for emission reductions is also increasing here.

To achieve good maneuverability, tugs are usually equipped with rudder propellers. There are various systems of rudder propellers on the market, such as rudder propellers in a Z arrangement or vertically arranged rudder propellers. Common to these drive systems is that the engine power with engine speed is usually transmitted over a distance of several meters from the engine to the gearbox of the Rudderpropeller. For this purpose, VULKAN provides both the torsionally flexible main coupling on the engine - usually of the highly flexible VULKARDAN E or RATO R type - and the VULKAN composite fiber shaft system.