Comfort and Weight-oriented Propulsion Systems for Cruise and Ferry
Passenger ships are characterized in particular by a comfort-based selection of the propulsion concept. A low vibration and noise level must be guaranteed. Besides the requirements for optimum torsional vibration behavior, multi-engine applications with only elastically mounted four-stroke diesel engines (more and more also dual fuel or gas-driven) make high demands on the misalignment capacity of flexible couplings. Highly flexible RATO S and RATO R couplings meet these requirements; they are characterized by their potential to absorb high axial, angular and radial misalignments.
Weight Optimization and Comfort
In fast ferries, the weight optimization of the drive components is also an important consideration. With this in mind VULKAN delivers solutions involving the use of light weight composite shafts. Elastic engine mounts from VULKAN are used, above all in the passenger ships sector, in order to effectively prevent vibrations and noises and to thereby meet the increasing requirements for comfort.